He is 45 years old and he was born in Pucallpa, Noe is part of the Shipibo Tribe, he have performed ayahuasca ceremonies 25 years
SKILLS: Researcher on medicinal plants
He is 55 years old and he was born in Paoyan Pucallpa, Brigido is part of the Shipibo Tribe, he have performed ayahuasca ceremonies 37 years
SKILLS: Cast out of bad spirits
He is 57 years old and he was born in san francisco Pucallpa, Elena is part of the Shipibo Tribe, he have performed ayahuasca ceremonies 25 years
SKILLS: Deep Ayahuasca Ceremonies, creator of textiles
He is 46 years old and he was born in the famosu commnuity of Qeros, they are heirs of the ancestral inca culture, he started this activity when he was 12 years old
SKILLS: Andean Ceremonies, San Pedro Ceremony
He is 39 years old and he was born in the famosu commnuity of Qeros, they are heirs of the ancestral inca culture, he started this activity when he was 8 year sold
SKILLS: Andean Ceremonies, San Pedro Ceremony
She is 34 years old and she was born in Cusco, she has a lot of experiences in relaxing therapies
Therapies: Massage, Yoga, reiki
He is 40 years old and she was born the famous community of Qeros, descente of ancestral healer shamans
Skills: Andean Ceremonies, Driving
he is 36 years old, he has estudied computer science, he has started facilitating ceremonies 10 years ago
Skills: Marketist and translator